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Today, I’m gonna share those top 10 best selling popular hand sanitizer mock up design packaging, which it worth more than a million dollar value. Watching as follows, you will know why we got made these designs and how you can get it by freebie?
We all know that vaccines and health care products are most needed right now, but if we are currently that is not on in this field, it will be hard to enter this industry at this moment, right? There are also other products on the blue ocean market that you couldn't miss related to COVID-19.
This is Jimmy, from a decent packaging channel.
1. Come up with blue ocean products
Now what am I talking about? I am talking about such as sanitizer products, Disinfection products catalogues, cleaning products and anything at all that could help people to prevent the corona virus. Such as Sterilized sprayer, hand sanitizer gels, foaming sanitizer such kinds of product. Now, of course there's still a huge shortage of this in the world.
2. Why am I talking about this kind of product?
5 months ago, we had a debate meeting with our international customer, The topic was what kind of products are most profitable and in the blue ocean market nowadays? In the end we all agreed that disinfection products are in great demand at this moment, and we had been asked to make a proposal on the top 10 popular selling hand sanitizer product packaging design for our customers, so that they could propose to their prospect to bidding a project it's worth about a million-dollar value. That is what we always do to our regular customers, to boost the business revenue by provide value.
In the end, even though our prospect team didn't carry out this project thoroughly, it did and brought up to develop another related new product which goes and sells quite well now. If there were more than 100 comments and rates, I would film a video to talk about this new project.
3. What can you get from here?
Today we’re gonna share with you this design, top 10 most popular hand sanitizer mock up design packaging which is worth a million dollar value, including bottle design and artwork designs. Here is the blue print design as a screen shot. Those are the for the hand sanitizer holder, sanitizer packaging, hand sanitizer dispenser, hand sanitizer sprayer, hand sanitizer bottle pump, hand sanitizer foaming from real bottle to make the design. These mock up designs and photos you can directly show to your customer.
If you were also in this business, please comment below. I believe it is not only because it is a great business to be in, not just to make a profit, but also because business could save a lot of people's lives.
4. How to get it by freebie
If you want this proposal design to present it to your customer as well, you can go check our website to download by unlock it as sharing.
The sharing designs on below link to download it.
So much for today. Thank you.